Build an Education Support Skill Which You Can be Proud of

What is Education Support?

The role of education support is to assist teachers in identifying and responding to the additional learning needs of students under broad-based supervision (Australian Teacher Aide, n.d.). It facilitates and coordinates a whole-school approach to improving the learning outcomes of every student. It also involves coordinating and planning processes and resources for students with disability (NSW, 2021). Supporters assist teachers and students in public and independent schools and community education settings.

Why is Education Support a Reliable Industry?

The education industry in Australia contributes up to $135.5 billion to the national economy, and the market size is expected to grow by 6% in 2022 (Ibis World, 2022). Furthermore, according to Job Outlook, the number of Education support has multiplied over the last half-decade and is expected to continue over the next half-decade as well. The predictions propose that it could increase from 90,500 positions in 2018 to 109,300 by 2023 (Open colleges, 2019). So, education support is an excellent career to consider in Australia. Institution of Teacher Aide Courses states that teacher aides can expect to get paid or earn $30 per hour on average in their first-year career, and based on a 6-5-hour day, this equates to $195 per day, or $50,700 per year (ITAC, n.d.).

Importance and Role of an Education Support

Future educators will face the facts that students will require and hope to learn and study in a flexible, personalized format – for some, this may mean having a more technology-focused classroom (USC Rossier, 2021). To cope with these changes, teachers must need their aides or support officers to prepare and progress their lessons to students. The leading roles of an education supporter are improving classroom practices, strengthening school leadership, and gathering and sharing information about schools (ESSPIN, n.d).

Education support officers strengthen schools, communities, and associations across the country. They play an essential role in the education team and students’ lives both inside and outside the classroom. They keep the schools running and students safe, healthy, and ready to learn daily (NEA, n.d.).

What Sort of Employment Opportunities is Available After Completion of Certificate IV Education Support?

Occupational titles may include:

  • Education Support staff.
  • Education Assistant (additional needs, language/literacy, cultural support).
  • Disability support assistant (Schools).
  • Teacher Aide in schools, preschools/kindergartens.
  • School-Age Care Assistant Educator (vacation care, OSHC, Kindergarten).
  • Teachers Support.
  • Education Assistant.
  • Classroom Assistant.
  • Learning Support Officer or Classroom Assistant.
  • Inclusion Support Aide.
  • SSO or School Support Officer.

Ways to Become an Education Support

Here are some ways to become a teaching assistant with no experience

1. Complete a college course.

2. Undertake an internship or apprenticeship.

3. Sign up for volunteer work.

4. Get childcare experience.

5. Take up a teaching assistant course.

Building a career as an education supporter is never a problem without any experience, but it requires some conditions, including a certificate.

(Indeed UK, 2021).

Steps to Acquire a Certificate/Qualification

DP Training provides a course to fulfil the criteria of qualification and training needed to work in the Education Support sector. Certificate IV in School Based Education Support consists of 17 subjects and vocational training units. If you are an existing worker, you can skip the vocational training by providing a Workplace Logbook of at least 100 hours of direct care within an approved education and care setting; or skip the entire course via RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning).

CHC40221 Certificate IV in School Based Education Support

If you are interested to build your career in education support, get to know more about the Certificate IV in Education Support course at DP Training.


Australian Teacher Aide., n.d. Education Support Qualifications.

ESSPIN., n.d. School Support Officer’s Handbook.

Open Colleges., 2019. A day in the life of an Education Support Aide.

Ibisworld., 2022. Education and Training in Australia – Market Size 2007 – 2028.

Indeed UK., 2021, How to become a teaching assistant with no experience.

Institution of Teacher Aide Courses.,n.d. How Much Do Teacher Aides Get Paid in Australia?

NEA., n.d. Education Support Professionals.

NSW Department of Education., 2021. Roles and responsibilities.

USC Rossier., 2021. What Will Education Look Like in 20 Years?